Album David Lang’s this was written by hand – Meditations on Memory On his new album from Cantaloupe Music, this was written by hand, David Lang treats the piano alternately as a.. 22 Dec 0
Concert Christmas with North Sea Radio Orchestra @ St. Olave’s, London It made a welcome change to a conventional Christmas concert to go and hear in the North Sea Radio Orchestra,.. 21 Dec 0
Concert We Go Together Like Ramma Lamma Lamma Ka Dinga Da Dinga Dong: yMusic’s “Beautiful Mechanical” yMusic and New Amsterdam Records put on a release party earlier this month for their debut album, Beautiful Mechanical, at Rockwood.. 19 Dec 0
Concert Mercy and Grand: The Tom Waits Project at Spitalfields Winter Festival, London Mercy and Grand is a collaborative project commissioned by the UK group Opera North, in which a group of musicians.. 16 Dec 0
Interview 5 questions to Kate Moore (Composer) You described your piece Ridgeway as reflecting a search for identity. Can you explain what this means as a composer.. 15 Dec 1
Album Florent Ghys, phase à la française on Cantaloupe Earlier this Fall, Cantaloupe (the record label created 10 years ago by the founders of Bang on a Can) released.. 14 Dec 0
Video New music video series: Hanging out with Janus Trio I am really excited to announce a new feature on this blog: a video series. Inspired by the amazing French.. 13 Dec 0
Opinion Extended Techniques: Resource for New Sounds or Cheap Gimmicks? As a listener and student of classical music, I’m obsessed with new sounds on acoustic instruments. To me, instructing a.. 9 Dec 0
Article The Contemporary Classical Composer’s Bullshit Generator This is too viral not to be posted… Last week Dominic Irving, a UK-based composer and pianist, posted a Perl.. 7 Dec 0
Concert Ian Bostridge and Thomas Adès at Carnegie Hall: Dusting off Romanticism What happens when a brilliant Lied performer is accompanied by a foremost composer? Well, something unique. Last Monday, Ian Bostridge.. 5 Dec 0