Do you have a composer elevator pitch?

I was attending a Marketing seminar a few weeks ago and as the presenter was discussing 30-second elevator pitches in front of an audience of young entrepreneurs I asked myself: do I have one? Have I sat down and written it? Is it rehearsed? Would I be ready to talk about my music to a person willing to commission a new piece?



So what is an elevator pitch? According to the omniscient Wikipedia:

An elevator pitch (or elevator statement) is a short summary used to quickly and simply define a product, service, or organization and its value proposition. The name “elevator pitch” reflects the idea that it should be possible to deliver the summary in the time span of an elevator ride, or approximately thirty seconds to two minutes.

Many great resources are available online and what I could gather is that an elevator pitch is:

Some sources give more directions but the last point that seems important to me is that it must be practiced! Ask your friends, family, and significant others to help you drill it. Why not make a video of yourself with your smartphone ? You could even Tweet your pitch, but that’s another story.

Finally here are the sources that I’ve found on the Web to help you make your own idea about a good elevator pitch:

Elevator Pitch 101 – Intro To Writing a 30 Second Elevator Pitch

How to Craft a Killer Elevator Pitch That Will Land You Big Business

Elevator Pitch 101 by Chris O’Leary

The Perfect (Elevator) Pitch

And my favorite, the Harvard Business School Elevator Pitch Builder: nicely designed, interactive, etc. It will almost make you believe that you’ll make a living with music.

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