This month, I CARE IF YOU LISTEN and American Composers Forum will host two roundtable discussions on the topic of cultural appropriation to conclude “Out of Context,” our shared 10-part essay series that examines how cultural appropriation intersects with both Western European-based classical music and the broader social landscape. The roundtable discussions will reconvene the authors to reflect back on the series and provide crucial next steps for putting their ideas into action.
We welcome you to join us on Zoom for these free conversations (registration required, links below). Both events will be recorded and available on I CARE IF YOU LISTEN .TV at a later date.
If you require an interpreter, closed-captioning, or any other accommodations to fully engage, please contact Laura Krider (, 612.314.9228) within 48 hours of the event.
Cultural Appropriation Round Table #1
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
1:00pm EST, 12:00pm CST, 11:00am MST, 10:00am PST

Clockwise: Shruthi Rajasekar (Photo by Alia Rose Photography), Chevall Pryce (Photo courtesy of the author), Hon Ki Cheung (Photo by Jon Klemm), Elizabeth A. Baker (Photo courtesy of the artist)
Elizabeth A. Baker, Out of Context #7: Owning the Language of our Oppressors
Hon Ki Cheung, Out of Context #2: Modern Development of Non-Western Music
Chevall Pryce, Out of Context #4: The Muddy Ownership of Dreadlocks
Shruthi Rajasekar (moderator), Out of Context #1: Diversifying Programming with Integrity
Registration link
Cultural Appropriation Round Table #2
Thursday, November 19, 2020
1:00pm EST, 12:00pm CST, 11:00am MST, 10:00am PST

Clockwise: A. Kori Hill (Photo courtesy of the author), inti figgis-vizueta (Photo by Ella Joklik), Aisha Staggers (Photo courtesy of the author), Nicolas Lell Benavides (Photo by Karli Cadel), Anthony Tan (Photo courtesy of the author)
inti figgis-vizueta, Out of Context #3: Finding Tradition in New Music
Nicolas Lell Benavides, Out of Context #8: Privilege and Creative Consequence
Aisha Staggers, Out of Context #6: The Whitewashing of Prince
Anthony Tan, Out of Context #5: Appreciation vs. Appropriation of Cultural Musical Objects
A. Kori Hill (moderator), Out of Context #10: A Reflection and Call to Action
Registration link
I CARE IF YOU LISTEN is a program of the American Composers Forum, funded with generous donor and institutional support. A gift to ACF helps support the work of ICIYL. Editorial decisions are made at the sole discretion of the editor-in-chief. For more on ACF, visit the “At ACF” section or