I can’t really tell how famous this week’s composer is in the US. In almost 5 years in New York, I haven’t heard his name uttered once… Dusapin studied with Messiaen and Xenakis, and is one of the most successful living French composers.
A French u and a nasal (-in) could potentially make this name hard to pronounce. If you’ve followed this series, you know by now how to pronounce a French u (check Tristan Murail). The third syllable in Dusapin is pronounced as the French word for bread, pain (yes, just like in the Pain Quotidien).
[audio:http://icareifyoulisten.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2011/03/ICIYL-Pascal-Dusapin.mp3] Link to MP3 — Pascal DusapinAnd to wrap up, a video of a very neat piece by Dusapin: À quia, concerto for piano & orchestra
Pascal Dusapin, A Quia {Part 1/4}
The recording can be purchased here: Amazon.com.